카테고리 없음

[TAEMIN] 240901 Taemin Bubble

iheartshinee 2024. 9. 1. 21:57

“Hello~ hello hello~~ What are you doing not asleep? Hello~ Good evening~ We saw each other just a while ago, didn’t we? Ah right… You are thinking what to wear for tomorrow… I see… Are you not sleepy? Hmm~~ I did the first concert today and tomorrow will be the second day. I am glad that everything went smoothly. I was curious if you guys have already fallen asleep so I decided to drop by… I am lying down getting ready to sleep already. Ah… to think that tomorrow is the end of the concert… even though there’s the world tour… it’s such a pity… To be seeinf each other for only twice… it’s such a pity… right? We need to see each other more often though… Actually… the concerns that I have over this and that… like the concert… the setlist… I put in lots of effort in them… I do feel that there are lots of people that like it so I am very very glad… so so glad. If there’s a part that I feel not enough… well it’s not actually is.. but if I were to say one… it would be the… hmm… because of the wind… the flowers should drop below me… when I was rehearsing, it dropped well. But because it wasn’t being thought till that far, it didn’t drop prettily. But there’s always something not enough, but how is that important. We were together and we spent a good time together that’s what I felt. With that itself, it’s sufficient. Just eat my meals well? You are asking me to just eat my meals well? Okay~ I didn’t have anything for dinn— Ah does that count? I did eat… it’s oatmeal… with one spoon of protein and mixed it with a little bit of milk. I just think that it’s better for me to have my body feel light, eat cleanly to keep up my body’s condition for tomorrow. Give me some recommendations on what to eat tomorrow. If I want to gain strength from it, what should I eat to gain strength. Pork belly~~ I think I will have that for dinner. Meat? Eel~~ oh~~ eel sounds good. Ginseng chicken— ah but I sweat a lot. I wonder if my body condition has changed. I sweat so much it’s giving me trouble. Ah I shouldn’t say it’s sweat, they are holy water. You guys probably have more things you guys want to see so I am sorry that I can’t seem to show all of them to you. Ah I should ask you guys this after finishing up tomorrow’s concert since there might be people who hasn’t watch the concert yet. What I wanted to ask… Should I just ask now? You guys are curious right? Since I have already said it like that? Among the stages you saw at my concert, which would you choose to see at a year-end stage? Hmm~~ Ah~~~ I heard about that… It felt nice after I heard it. To be seeing it through video and to be seeing it in real life is as different as heaven and earth. You need to really see it for yourself and capture it with your own eyes. When I heard that compilment, what came to my mind was… ah if I were to go pretty places like Europe or seeing pretty nature like those in Switzerland, I would think… It’s true that pictures can’t capture all of it. This is not a picture… Wow… I really need to capture them in my own eyes… Pictures itself can’t hold all of it in. I can feel how beautiful how grand it is. Actually… when I move… when I make some gestures… when I sing… when I talk… or the expressions I do… do things like this felt that way? Am I Switzerland? That’s me~~ Ahm ahmm do bee do bub~~ Am I Switzerland? That’s me~~ Ahm ahmm do bee do bub~~ I am Switzerland~~ Ahmm ahmm do bee do bub~~ I actually liked to show what kind of person am I, what identity do I hold on stage ever since a long time ago so to be saying that they are artworks and all… I am so grateful. You guys did your chants very loudly too… Actually… I am probably the only singer that checks up till things like this. Be like ‘Please input more of the ambience sound in my in-ear. I want to hear my fans who are singing along with me… shouting for me… cheering for me… supporting me.’ Ah I did eat lunch before performing… Ah to be saying that that’s lunch… I had it when I was at home before coming out. At about 10:30am…? I ate… I ate that… Egg roll. I can’t digest very well when I do concerts before I will get sensitive. But it does absorb well. Things like that digest quickly. That’s why… I ate that. I ate 3 of that— how did you know? You saw it? I am asking if you saw that I ate 3 of it. Pretending to be frail… I need to pretend that I am gaining strength from just eating this… How did you know!? (Laughs) I ate 3 of it. And for my dinner, I had oatmeal and protein right… If you guys got to know how much I ate.. you guys would wonder if I am okay, if I am digesting well. Pretending to me healthy… they say elephants are vegetarians too. I would say that I ate like an elephant. Let me share something interesting— Ah rather than sayinf that it’s interesting… I will just share this one thing and go to bed. When I was really young… when I was in my elementary school day… or even before I entered school, I would lay out newspapers on the floor with my family and we grill the meat on the grills and we will sit around in the living room. We will take out kimchi to eat… we will also cook it to eat… we would do it once every weekend. Weekend is always the day for me to eat delicious food. There would be times we eat out with our relatives too or make delicious food with my family. When I was eating pork belly at that time… it got bad because it was so greasy? It was delicious at my first bite but as I ate… it was to the extend that I think it’s okay for me to not eat pork belly ever again. It got too greasy for me. But.. Ah right, it was before I entered elementary school. Right. So up till the time when I entered elementary school, I ate very little. That’s why… people around me was saying how I ate only to live, how skinny I was, to be only eating that much and still be running and playing at the playground. I didn’t like to eat and ate very little. However, after I entered elementary school, I suddenly started to eat so much. So I ate sooo much and ate so many food. I would come home and eat so much. If only there’s braised beef in soy sauce, I would eat 3 bowls of rice, I would scoop it out from the rice cooker and eat 3 bowls of rice in a flash. And still, to me, I don’t think that filled my stomach. So I will eat two more fried eggs.. I knew how to make fried eggs faster than I expected before of my appetite so once I am back from school, I will quickly fried eggs to eat and because I like it half-done, I will scoop some rice and eat it before leaving for my tuitions. There would be times I eat it with ketchup, there would be times I eat it with sesame oil and soy sauce. About 2 spoons of sesame oil? About 2 or 3 spoons of sesame oil. Because I really like sesame oil… Let me share a tip with you guys… There will usually be sesame oil spread on top of a kimbap when you order it right? You then put a spoon of sesame oil on the foil, it will be so delicious. Ah there’s that about me with the sesame oil in our dorm right. I really like sesame oil. Anyway, that’s how my appetite started. It was during the 1st and 2nd grade of my elementary school year so I was about 7 or 8 years old. From then onwards, I ate so well until I became an adult. Meat is greasy but it’s not the same for sesame oil. But at the start of my 20s… ah no… it was during my debut. Our manager would buy us meat and with my members, we ate so much meat. We ate beef and those are actually oily too. We ate so much of it that I got sick. It wasn’t that I got indigestion. So I was so sick… and for a period of time… during when I was practicing for ‘Love Like Oxygen’ I had to skip practice for 3 days. I was admitted into the hospital for 3 days. But when I was there, I was told that I am supposed to be fed more meat and was asked why wasn’t I fed with meat, that my cholesterol level is so low. So I was like ‘huh? I literally just ate meat’ And that was when the god of meat came to me. That’s why, I ate meat ever since then, at the word of cholesterol. I would never feel greasy anymore even when I eat oily things ever since then. The greasy taste of meat has disappeared for me. That’s why I really like greasy things and I eat them well too. I really like oily things. Wow… I will never get sick of pork belly. I am just putting it in until it can’t go in anymore. If it can no longer go in, then I will stop. It will never be that I can’t eat it anymore because it feels greasy to me. It’s the same with beef large intestines and small intestines. I am only holding back because they are not good for the body. I can really eat them until it fills up my stomach, there is no end to it. That’s why… I want to eat small intestines… for small intestines… there’s a restaurant that I will always go with my family and the owner of the restaurant was shocked at how much I ate too. I really ate a lot. Roughly… How much does it come if we order delivery nowadays? I probably ordered 3 or 4 of those portion? Anyway… that’s how insane I ate and I still don’t feel greasy. I wonder why don’t I feel greasy over meat and realized that meat matches me well. However… my skin condition will deteriorate if I eat too much meat. There is someone who did a fan meeting at a meat restaurant? Ah… There is someone who did a fan meeting at a meat restaurant… I see.. Wow… Was it done in rotation? One by one? I will be eating and you guys will sit in front of me, you will eat and then leave… Is that how it’s been done? I am really good at cooking meat. There’s something called the meat maillard reaction right? So instead of caramelizing and all… We are Koreans, aren’t we. I have never failed in this. The meat will be cooked as precise as it should. It will be less cooked at where it should be and all. The meat will really be very savory. You can’t cook it with a strong fire. So rather than strong fire… when I cook my meat… I will make sure that the caramelizing doesn’t gets out and with the maillard and all… If you cook it like that, your meat will be very delicious and this is the style I use to cook my meat. You like So-maek? (Soju + Beer)? You like soju? I like soju, I like so-maek, I like beer too. Oh my picture in the middle seems to be moving though? It’s moving? You want me to recommend my favorite whiskey? My favorite whiskey? Hinoki. Hibiki. Yamazaki. For wines… it’s the one that kibum hyung recommended… bread and… bread and what… there’s a wine that has bb (bread & butter) on it. Bread… it’s bread and butter. That’s right. Bread and butter is nice. For egg drop, garlic is delicious. But there might be some smell left on your hand. Ah… It’s been so long since I drank alcohol. ‘I will leave first’ bye~ I think the last time I drank was during SHINee’s dinner gathering. Ah I drank at hell’s club (hyeri’s show) ah you are drinking with your friends? What are you drinking? Blanc is nice… but why is this so weird… i am talking without a face now but my profile picture is talking.. it’s moving. It’s so fascinating. It keeps moving… talks… and make expressions too. Why is it looking like that to me? It keeps moving. Is it only like that for me? Or does it move for you all too? See~ it’s moving. It’s like a magic eye. Sorry it got a little too scary now… No no no I am sorry for making it scary. Sorry. It’s fascinating. It’s definitely moving for me though? Anyway… it means we have to go to sleep now. We need to sleep now. Let’s sleep in 1 minute time. Can you guys do that for me? Don’t go… don’t go… Just be here for 1 minute. Sorry that I made it sounded scary. When I am watching my concert, it feels like… they are people who really loves me. It’s not something that just ends like a happening. It got me realize that I am taking up a huge part of the lives of every single person here. That’s why… in that case… I will need to do… all the good things. The number of male fans have increased? When I have my in-ears on, I usually can’t really hear the sound from outside. So the sound outside is called ambience sound and that includes the sound of fans… so to be able to hear that… if I have it connected to my in-ear I will be able to hear it. What if I fall asleep as I talk… It will be on till the morning… in that case, wake me up. There’s a time that I need to go out so can you guys wake me up? Like a morning call. Things like these would be good too. Like a rotation. I will give you guys morning calls through a phone call and in return, someone will wake me up with a morning call. That would be nice. What time am I supposed to wake up tomorrow..? About 9am tomorrow… I need to depart at 10am… I think so? No… Am I supposed to go out at 8am… was there something for me to do… No… I am going to wake up at 9:30am! Wake me up at 9:30am. Kkoongdaengie will wake me up? (Laughs) I am at home now. You are going to buy alcohol? Who are you going drink with at this hour? Hmm hmm~ those who are younger than me here… let me know who you are, even by just leaving a dot. Let me see. (Calling out names) oh~ hello~ (continues with name calling) and now those older. Those who are older than me. Why are you crying why why? You are 1992? Ah I am going to fall asleep… I think it’s time to turn this off. I dozed off for a moment just now. I see… My noonas… Noona~~ Noona neomu yeppo~ Noona… Noona… why am I too young? I am no longer young now. Hmm hmm Babies~~ Little ones~~ Noona~~ younger sister/brother~~ (calling names) from now on… for just 3 minutes, write down what you want to hear, I will do it for you. Start~~ Dejavu. (Calling names) Dohee is looking for noona though? (Continues) OOO sleep well~~ OOO you too~~ OOO noona, I called your name though? Oh~~ OOO… OOO noona… OOO I can see you. (Continues to call name) OOO-yah love you~~ OOO yah I see only you~ OOO-yah love you~~ Let’s go now. We go to sleep. It’s very late. You have worked hard~ I am not sure if I am just talking nonsense. Bye bye love you all~ I will turn this off now~~ bye~~”