티스토리 뷰

WWD. You have been busy without any rest since last summer, right?
M. That’s right. I was tied up with SHINee’s 15th debut anniversary commemoration schedules last year. Over a duration of 10 months, we had our fan meeting and concert, and not to mention our album promotions, I was filming my drama too while we were having our tour. I was as busy as I was during our ‘Everybody’ promotion era back in 2013.

WWD. As busy as it gets, you must have felt proud that the 15th debut anniversary had a good closure.
M. Of course! Especially when we finished off with our last tour, I could feel a sense of pride with the thought that ‘Ah, the promotions finished off well.’ I think the Japan dome tour that we did after a long while would stay in my memory for a long time too.

WWD. Your 10th anniversary seemed to have just happened the day before and now you are already in your 15th anniversary.
M. Time sure flies quickly. I am not sure if it’s just in Korea but the ‘5’ in the unit number definitely feels special. As we are already at our 15th, I am already waiting for our 20th anniversary.

WWD. From singer to actor, from actor to singer, is there a know-how you have when going from one role to the other?
M. In the past, I honestly felt nervous always. I would separate the roles by thinking ‘How should I do it today?’ ‘I will do it that way tomorrow’. Even though I don’t really have something as big as to call it a know-how but as I build up my experience, I might have achieve somehow of a trick that I will just naturally get used to the situation on that day without purposely putting in too much thoughts or feeling nervous.

WWD. You become more flexible as you gain experience. It’s just that your stamina won’t be able to catch up as how it could back then. (Laughs)
M. Why won’t I be! I can definitely feel how my body is getting weaker as I approach my mid 30s. If ‘It’s so tiring’ was how I felt back then, right now I could feel like my lifespan is being used up in advance, if I were to exaggerate a little. (Laughs)

WWD. It feels like the ‘Done with exercising today’ story on your SNS has became your own routine of a day.
M. I have been constantly exercising without a break since a long time ago. To be honest, I just exercised in the past because I like it. However, I am diligently doing it to take care of my health with a sense of responsibility nowadays. I have a sense of duty that I cannot crumble down. Also, I have come to think that I can bring good influence to someone with me diligently working out too.

WWD. You went to Europe after a long time for a fashion show so how does it feel to be watching the COS show in person?
M. COS’s usual modern and simple fit made it one of the brands that I enjoy wearing for my daily looks. In fact, I do have lots of COS items in my closet too. However, after attending the fashion show and visiting the store myself, I was surprised that they had so much more variety than I expected. Especially the details that made it interesting to the eyes were memorable. As they have lots of classic items, they are clothes that we can wearing on daily basis. I should say that they are practical clothes? I like it because I am closely relate to it.

WWD. That’s why you did quite a shopping this time too?
M. Yes. I visited the COS store with the staff as I was walking around the city and I like the jacket and knitwear so I bought a couple of them. As they are all basic items, I could wear it without feeling burdened.

WWD. They were lots of Italian fans who were at the Rome airport as well as the show venue.
M. I was kind of surprised that they were fans at the airport too and I was the happiest at the fact that there were fans who came to the show venue too. I got a really good impression of the Italian fans from their friendliness and kindness. I had a kind of preconception that Italian fans are passionate but I was rather surprised by their calmness. I am touched at how friendly they were to me and how considerate they were.

WWD. You had quite a conversation with the celebrities seated around you at the show, what were you guys talking about?
M. On that day, there was a Cuban actor called ‘Alberto Guerra’ seated on the next next seat to my left. He asked me ‘What do I do’ and I introduced myself as ‘a singer and an actor’. And then, he asked me which do I like more, being a singer or an actor. I answered that I liked both of them a lot so I can’t choose. He introduced himself as an actor and whenever he acts, he feels like he is dreaming and that he likes to deliver expression to others through his own eyes so he really loves his job. I only had an about 30 seconds conversation with him but I could already feel how cool of a person he is. I shared conversation with a number of people but the short one I had with him was the most memorable one.

WWD. Did you enjoy 100% of the fashion show?
M. In the past, I would just stop at simply admiring the clothes when I attend a show. However, I started to think about how the staff move to make that show and came to observe the whole atmosphere. The things I didn’t know when I was younger, the parts that I didn’t notice, I felt myself changed a little as I start to realize them.

WWD. I heard that it’s your first time Rome, how was it?
M. It’s a place where the things that opens up in front of me are able to fill up all of my senses from my eyes, ears and mouths completely. Pictures and videos can’t beat it too. The atmosphere itself is unique and there were so many new things to take in. I thought I had been to many places in the world as I have been active for 15 years but there is actually a new place like this! Even though I have experienced a lot, I got to know that there are so much more things that I can do.

WWD. What’s most memorable to you?
M. No matter what, it’s definitely the Vatican City and the Colosseum. The drawings of Michelangelo at the Vatican felt so surreal and I can’t believe the size of the Colosseum even though I was seeing it myself. The word ‘Beautiful’ is far from sufficient. It’s to the extend that you have to go there and see it for yourself to know? It was extremely touched to the extend that I have no other way to express it. It’s not the kind of emotion that a human can give to another human. How should I say it, would it be right to say that it’s the unique feeling of a special inspiration I get from a building or a drawing, a sculpture. As it’s the week before Easter right now, there were lots of people but it’s still worth it to go.

WWD. What should we do in order to enjoy Rome fully?
M. I think that it’s nice to visit every country’s museum. To enjoy the country’s history and the uniqueness that the country gives, joining the museum’s tour will be good. I felt that way more in Rome. I hope to take in the inspiration that the country can give with the whole of me as I visit exhibitions and walk around every corner of the city. The best thing I did for this trip is to enjoy it while walking around. That’s because I am able to feel every part of the city. I would like to follow the exact course I took this time when I visit Rome  again next time. I will probably be able to feel another set of emotions the second time I visit Rome.

WWD. Other than visiting the historical sites, are there any special things?
M. During my last two days, I did a tour at an outskirt winery and a contemporary art museum. As it’s still not yet summer, it’s a pity that I can’t see the grapes at the winery but I did a wine tasting with 3 wines and was able to enjoy an Italian drawing-like view. Ah, I visited the MAXXI museum and its contemporary art museum where I had an experience of Rome’s contemporary art.

WWD. You did a good job at recharging yourself after a long while. What’s your plan after you go back?
M. I will play golf when I have the time and do the exercises that I couldn’t do while I prepare myself for the next promotion. Ah right! As I already threw a coin at the Trevi Fountain, I will definitely want to come back to Rome again. (Laughs)

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